
Showing posts from November, 2021

If Only Papa Hadn't Danced (continuation)

         The next morning, we awoke to the sound of the woman calling for us to come outside as she had cooked breakfast. We tried to not think about yesterday's events and focused on our current plan - to go to the next house. So we sat down and ate the food the woman had made, sadza. While we ate our breakfast, I noticed that there was another girl around my age sitting nearby. The girl was so pretty, with an innocent gaze, and I thought she had gone through bad times. Nervously, I approached her to ask for her story. She told me with a steady tone that she had lost her parents while crossing borders the day before we came. What a sad thing... I thought that we were all much luckier. In a rush of emotions, I lent her an outstretched hand, inviting the girl to tag along with us. After that, the woman hurriedly told us to hide in the underground. With an onslaught of thoughts jumbling my mind, I grabbed the girl’s hand and together with my family we rushed...

Tahap Pembuatan Vaksin Covid-19

Di era Covid-19 ini, diperlukan sebuah obat untuk mencegah virus menular dan membunuh virus tersebut. Vaksin merupakan upaya yang telah pemerintah temukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan pandemi ini. Vaksin yang diteliti sudah diserbarluaskan ke berbagai negara. Lantas, bagaimana cara meneliti dan menciptakan vaksin tersebut? Untuk membuat vaksin, peneliti melewati tahapan yang tidak mudah. Vaksin harus dibuat dengan hati-hati dan wajib lulus ujian klinis sesuai standar kedokteran. Pembuatan Covid-19 tidak hanya dilakukan di Indonesia, tapi juga di berbagai negara melalui Lembaga Eijkman, dan vaksin sudah dikembangkan oleh negara-negara yang memiliki teknologi yang lebih canggih. Pemerintah Indonesia juga melakukan kerja sama dengan 4 produsen vaksin, yaitu AstraZeneca dari Inggris, serta Sinovac, Sinopharm, dan CanSino dari China. Menurut berita terkini, p erusahaan farmasi di Amerika Serikat, yaitu Pfizer, telah berhasil membuat vaksin yang diklaim 90% efektif melawan virus Co...